Martin Richard

Playlist Feston de Juillet '21

1Todd TerjeSpiral
3Ryuichi SakamotoONCE IN A LIFETIME
4C.A.R.Angelina (Manfredas Vocal Remix)
5Bjørn TorskeClean Air
6Lewis OfManLas Bañistas
7LindstrømNaa Er Druene Paa Sitt Beste
8fox capture plancapture the Initial "F"(2021 NEW TAKE)
9Slowly Rolling CameraThe Afternoon of Human Life
10Shire TFull Attention
11Steven WestonThe Solent
12Toh ImagoLa Napoule - Nathan Micay's Life in Every Breath Remix
14Rachid TahaVoilà Voilà - Justin Robertson Vocal Edit
15The VaccinesIf You Wanna